UPWARDS Summer Camp

The University Partnership for Workforce Advancement and Research & Development in Semiconductors (UPWARDS), will focus on the microelectronics industry, cleanroom fabrication and career opportunities. The program curriculum places special emphasis on supporting and encouraging young women to pursue careers in microelectronics.
Participants should be interested in pursuing electrical, computer, materials science or chemical engineering or a related field. UPWARDS is funded in part by the National Science Foundation, Micron Technology, Inc., and Tokyo Electron Ltd.
Dates and Deadlines:
- UPWARDS: Sunday, July 13 - Saturday, July 26, 2025
- Applications for 2025 are open
- Applications close: Sunday, March 9th
- Notification of Decision: Friday, March 28th
*The application is a joint application with the alternative, C-Tech² camp. Within the application is the option to select interest in the UPWARDS camp, C-Tech² camp, or both.
What is UPWARDS Camp all about?
- Exploring applications of engineering in a way that is fun and exciting
- Interacting with others interested in pursuing careers in various engineering fields
- Complete a Computer-aided design (CAD) tutorial and pattern layout exercise
- Learn to work safely and effectively in a cleanroom
- Gain hands-on experience with semiconductor materials, processes, and equipment
- Fabricating and testing simple microelectronic devices
Camp Testimonials
"Before, I knew I wanted to study engineering in college, but I wasn’t sure which area. I didn’t have any background on semiconductors or circuits, so electrical engineering didn’t even come to mind. I had so much fun during camp being exposed to a different area of engineering. Right now, I’m even considering Virginia Tech as my top school."
"First of all, I would like to say the camp was the most amazing experience. I learned so much and am forever grateful for that experience. It definitely confirmed that engineering is for me! I’ll definitely be there for the info session and for the in person fall visitation. Thanks again for the amazing opportunities you have given us!"
"What an incredible experience the Upwards Summer camp was. I'm not sure my girls are able to fully appreciate just how valuable it was, but I sure do. My first experience in a clean room was at National Semiconductor (now Texas Instruments) at the age of 27. My girls got the experience, with so much more, at the age of 16 thanks to Upwards."
"I would also like to thank you for your part in helping to set up UPWARDS! I had an amazing time while I was participating in it and I was sad when it came to an end a few days ago! Thank you again for everything! It is all greatly appreciated."
185 Perry Street, (477 Whittemore Hall), Blacksburg, VA 24061
Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity
220 Gilbert Street (MC 0275)
Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061
Phone: (540) 231-7411
Email CEED